TES Accredited Company Schemes offer organisations a quality-assured pathway for their Test Engineers seeking professional registration.
What are the benefits of accreditation?
Take a look at our current list of accredited professional development schemes.
TES Accredited Professional Development Schemes (in preparation)
TES is a leading professional institution for Test Engineers, and its accreditation covers a wide range of Test Engineering disciplines. TES Accreditation is recognized as a high-quality seal of approval throughout industry, academia, and government and helps companies in the recruitment, retention, and development of graduates and professional Test Engineers.
TES promotes accredited schemes to students and graduates as the ideal way into the industry.
How does it work? Accredited schemes typically build on established development programmes already in place to meet the organisation's needs. They must provide the necessary training, development, and experience to enable individuals to build a portfolio of evidence and demonstrate the required level of competence for professional registration.
Your scheme will be listed on the TES website, and you will be able to use the TES Accredited Scheme logo on promotional material.