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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

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Welcome to the the Society website, where we are dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in Test Engineering. Our mission is to drive progress in the field while ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their background, feel welcomed, valued, and respected within our Society. To achieve this, we are developing a comprehensive Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strategy, outlining our goals and actions for the next five years. Our EDI Action Plan will summarize our key objectives and initiatives.

Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through our EDI Strategy At the Society, we strive to represent and reflect the diversity of our community in both our work and the people we employ. Our aim is to provide a professional home for every Test Engineering practitioner, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can participate and contribute.

Equality We firmly believe in treating everyone with dignity, integrity, and respect, regardless of their individual characteristics, whether protected or not.


We value and acknowledge the unique differences of each individual, striving to create an environment that celebrates diversity. These differences can be categorized by protected characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.


Our goal is to establish a culture of inclusion where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to fully participate. We recognize that creating such an environment necessitates fostering the right conditions for effective collaboration and providing equal opportunities to all.

Why is it important?

As a leading engineering institution, our commitment to EDI is crucial in addressing the challenges facing the profession today. We believe that fostering an environment where everyone can thrive will help us achieve our mission of engineering a better world.

To accomplish this, we are dedicated to embedding EDI principles into our policies, practices, procedures, and behaviors throughout our institution. We will regularly monitor our progress and report on our achievements to maintain our commitment to DEI excellence.

Whose responsibility is it?

At the Society, we believe that creating an environment of DEI is the responsibility of every member of our community, including colleagues, members, and volunteers. We will work closely with our Board of Trustees and Executive Team to ensure that EDI is ingrained across our institution, driving progress toward our goals.

Internal Focus

We will prioritize attracting and retaining a diverse workforce while cultivating a culture of inclusion through our policies, practices, and procedures.

External Focus

We will actively engage with our members and the broader community to create collaborative opportunities that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Test Engineering profession.